Europeanisation meets democracy from below: The Western Balkans on the search for new European and democratic Momentum (WB2EU)

On behalf of the Austrian Society for European Politics (ÖGfE), the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip), our WB2EU network partners, the Representation of the European Commission in Austria, and the Europa Club we would like to cordially invite you to our PUBLIC DEBATE in Vienna in the framework of our WB2EU Closing Event.

With Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, EU enlargement policy has taken on a completely new dynamic. Ukraine, Moldova, and Bosnia and Herzegovina have been granted candidate status; Kosovo has applied for membership; and accession negotiations have started with Northern Macedonia and Albania. In addition, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen gave the debate further momentum in her State of the Union address with the prospect of an EU30+.

However, it is not only the candidate countries that must meet the accession criteria; the Union itself must also implement important reforms in order to be fit for enlargement. While EU members are still weighing geopolitical, national, and institutional interests against each other, the Western Balkan countries are in a protracted process of negotiation and reform.

At the conclusion of our three-year Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network project on Europeanisation, democratisation and strengthening of civil society in the Western Balkans (WB2EU), coordinated with the oiip and in cooperation with 15 partners from all over Europe, we want to discuss current developments, obstacles, and perspectives of the EU enlargement and reform process.

IS EU ENLARGEMENT BACK ON TRACK? Moving towards a democratic and united Europe

Monday, 9 October, 17.00–19.00

Venue: House of the European Union, Wipplingerstr. 35, 1010 Vienna


Paul Schmidt, Secretary General, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik – ÖGfE, Project Leader & Academic Coordinator of the WB2EU project

Key note speech

Alma Zadić, Minister of Justice, Austria


Martin Selmayr, Head of Representation of the European Commission in Austria

Jovana Marović, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of European Affairs, Montenegro, member of the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG)

Sofija Todorović, Programme Director, Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR), Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, Serbia

Anna Krasteva, Professor of Political Sciences, Centre for European Refugees, Migration and Ethnic Studies (CERMES), New Bulgarian University, Representative of the WB2EU Network

Moderated by Vedran Džihić, Senior Researcher, Austrian Institute for International Affairs – oiip, Academic Coordinator of the WB2EU project

Please note that the debate will be held in English.

We kindly ask for binding registration:
WB2EU Network members are already registered!

At the end of the public debate, refreshments will be offered.

This public debate is part of the CLOSING EVENT of our three-year EU project “Europeanisation meets democracy from below: The Western Balkans on the search for new European and democratic Momentum – WB2EU” co-funded by the European Commission under its Erasmus+ Jean Monnet programme.

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