Europeanisation meets democracy from below: The Western Balkans on the search for new European and democratic Momentum (WB2EU)

Considering EU enlargement through the prism of security cooperation, Elise Bernard & Joseph Leloup, ÖGfE Policy Brief, 01’2022

For the next six months France holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. One of the top priorities on its agenda will be to strive towards a more sovereign Europe. A Europe which is ready to act in the field of security and defence, to reform the Schengen area and to engage with its neighbours, particularly in the Western Balkans and with Africa. The French Presidency will organise a conference on the Western Balkans in June and supports cooperation projects to guarantee stability and security in the region. The authors of this Policy Brief analyse already existing relationships with the Western Balkan countries in the area of security and formulate policy recommendations.

Policy Recommendations

  1. A joint European operational security strategy should be established to counter Eurosceptic and Europhobic arguments in the Western Balkans and foster the rule of law in the region.
  2. In the area of security EU member states should provide candidate and potential candidate countries technical cooperation, including equipment donations, strategic advice and training in order to promote the transfer of know-how, consolidate networks of trust with partner services, while enhancing the values inherent in European integration and bilateral relations.
  3. A more fluid flow and exchange of information would be the necessary basis for further bilateral and multilateral funding.
The Policy Brief is published in the framework of the WB2EU project. The project aims at the establishment of a network of renowned think-tanks, do-tanks, universities, higher education institutes and policy centres from the Western Balkans, neighbouring countries and EU member states that will be most decisive for the enlargement process and Europeanisation of the region in the upcoming years. The WB2EU project is co-funded by the European Commission under its Erasmus+ Jean Monnet programme. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Photo: People in front of the European flag / Photographer: Georges Boulougouris
© European Communities, 2004

Source: EC – Audiovisual Service


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