Europeanisation meets democracy from below: The Western Balkans on the search for new European and democratic Momentum (WB2EU)

Kosovo: democratising democracy, Venera Hajrullahu & Taulant Hoxha & Dren Puka, ÖGfE Policy Brief, 22’2023

Inclusive decision-making processes that prioritise citizens and their needs, allowing their voices to shape the decisions that affect them, are at the core of democratisation from below. Despite significant progress in democratic indicators, Kosovo still has a long way to go before realising its full potential for inclusive policy and decision-making. While Kosovo has established legal requirements for public participation, implementation remains limited, resulting in only a small number of well-established civil society groups and experts being able to participate. Decision-makers at all levels must improve their capacities to adhere to legal requirements, while citizens should engage in policy-making processes through civil society organisations. Recent trends towards more inclusive civic practises improve the prospect of wider citizen engagement in public affairs. Developing public spaces and funding instruments that support inclusive civic practises is crucial for enabling citizen participation in decision-making through civil society.

Policy Recommendations

  1. Ensure full implementation of the legal framework to enable the participation of citizens in public affairs.
  2. Build the capacities of decision-makers at all levels to adhere to legal requirements for inclusive policy-making.
  3. Develop public spaces and funding instruments for citizen participation in decision-making through civil society.

Too few Kosovars are engaged in civic actions or in formal decision-making processes, including youth, who are the dominating demographic group in Kosovo.

The Policy Brief is published in the framework of the WB2EU project. The project aims at the establishment of a network of renowned think-tanks, do-tanks, universities, higher education institutes and policy centres from the Western Balkans, neighbouring countries and EU member states that will be most decisive for the enlargement process and Europeanisation of the region in the upcoming years. The WB2EU project is co-funded by the European Commission under its Erasmus+ Jean Monnet programme. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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